Elements Natural Medicine

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Is Alcohol Clogging Your Liver?

I get this question a lot.

Maybe you’re eating vegetables, staying hydrated, moving your body, and even using a dry skin brush or epsom salt baths but…

👉👉What about alcohol?

Here are the facts:

✔️When you drink, 90% of the alcohol is processed by your liver.

✔️Alcohol is first converted into an even more toxic compound, acetaldehyde. Even though this is short-lived, it can damage liver cells.

✔️Alcohol can decrease the breakdown of fats, leading to fat accumulation in the liver.

✔️When the liver is busy processing alcohol, it is less available to carry out its other necessary functions.

This is your body and your choice, but decreasing alcohol is always helpful when it comes to supporting healthy detoxification.

We always want to “remove the obstacles to cure.”

Sometimes alcohol is one of those.

Curious about a holistic and root-cause approach to healing?

Schedule an initial visit with Dr. Cantrell to get started! 🍃


Hyun J, Han J, Lee C, Yoon M, Jung Y. Pathophysiological Aspects of Alcohol Metabolism in the Liver. Int J Mol Sci. 2021;22(11):5717. [link]