
You Pick One (Detox Edition)

Just pick ONE ⬇️⬇️

This is some simple stuff you can do to naturally support your body’s everyday detoxification that has absolutely nothing to do with what you eat 🙌

✔️ Dry Skin Brush

✔️ Castor Oil Packs

✔️ Epsom Salt Baths

✔️ Rebound Trampoline

✔️ Deep Breathing

✔️ Go to Bed On Time

The thing about detoxification is that your body is doing it every day without you even thinking about it.

These things work because they support one or more of your detoxification pathways—your liver, gut, kidneys, lymphatics, lungs, & skin.

Gluten or Dairy Sensitive?

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The top 2 food sensitivities I see in my practice are easily: gluten (wheat) & dairy (milk). 

These are also extremely common foods! 

So here are some of my top recommended food swaps…

🥨 For Gluten: 

Sandwich → Lettuce Wrap

Wheat Tortilla → Corn Tortilla

Pasta → Spaghetti Squash

PLUS most items come gluten free (pasta, bread, pancake mix, etc.)

🥛 For Dairy:

Milk → Almond or Oat Milk

Creamer → Coconut Milk

Butter → Olive Oil or Coconut Oil

Parmesan → Nutritional Yeast

PLUS you can find dairy-free cheese, yogurt, & ice cream!

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Food Sensitivities: Then What?!?

💥 Let’s figure out why!

If you’re dealing with food sensitivities, this post is for you.

Did you know there might be fixable issues that are driving food sensitivities or making them worse?

That’s right:

Research 📚 has linked food sensitivities to changes in:

👉 Gut Microbiome

👉 Intestinal Permeability (“Leaky Gut”)

👉 Gut inflammation


Gut support makes a lot of sense.

Keep following along if you want to learn more about how I can help with a root-cause approach to health 🙌


Caminero A, Meisel M, Jabri B, Verdu EF. Mechanisms by which gut microorganisms influence food sensitivities. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;16(1):7-18. [link]

Ohtsuka Y. Food intolerance and mucosal inflammation. Pediatr Int. 2015;57(1):22-29. [link]

Ventura MT, Polimeno L, Amoruso AC, et al. Intestinal permeability in patients with adverse reactions to food. Dig Liver Dis. 2006;38(10):732-736. [link]

Wonder if it’s Food Sensitivities?

You aren’t going to like this, but TRUTH IS…

❌ There is no perfect way to test for food sensitivities.

(I’m not talking about food allergies—see my recent posts for the difference)

Here are your options:

1️⃣ The Elimination-Challenge Diet

2️⃣ Food Sensitivities Blood Test

3️⃣ Combination of Both

For the Elimination-Challenge Diet, you remove all suspected foods until you feel better and then reintroduce them one at a time to see which are problematic.

Some people notice dramatic results 🎉

But some people just get more frustrated because the diet can take a long time, and the results are not always obvious.

The blood test looks to see if your body is creating antibodies to a long list of foods.

👉👉 Combine these 2 methods together, and you might discover a simple solution to feeling better!

Interested in food sensitivity testing?

📅 Schedule an initial visit with Dr. Cantrell to get started on your path to wellness!

Little Known Signs of Food Sensitivities

Could food sensitivities be to blame? ⬇️

Here’s what people think food sensitivities look like:

💥 GI Distress

💥 Stomach Pain

💥 Loose Stools

Here’s what food sensitivities actually look like:

🧐 Tiredness

🧐 Brain Fog

🧐 Joint Aches

🧐 Feeling Bloated

🧐 Skin Rashes

🧐 Behavior Changes

🧐 Moodiness

Truth is—food sensitivities can show up as any of those ☝️things.

The reactions can take hours or days to show up, making it tricky to pinpoint a cause.

If you want to better understand if foods are a trigger for you…

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