
One Way to Improve Digestion…

Here’s why you should learn mindful eating 👇👇

Did you know that it’s possible to support your digestion, lose weight more easily, stop eating when full, and enjoy your food more….

Just by mindful eating?

I’m not saying it’s easy (it will take some practice), but here are some tips:

➡️ Block off plenty of time to eat when you won’t be distracted (at least 20 minutes)

➡️ Set your phone aside and turn off notifications

➡️ Take small bites, chew thoroughly, and focus on enjoying the food

➡️ Check in with yourself to notice when you feel full

Sometimes we get caught up in the latest trends and flashy ways to improve our health, but focusing on the basics is often even more powerful.

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Abundance vs. Scarcity

Abundance vs. Scarcity 👉

People with an abundance mindset tend to believe they can have limitless health, wealth, happiness, and all things good.

Whereas those with a scarcity mindset tend to believe these things are limited.

YES, there is a middle ground.

Not many health practitioners talk about mindset, but it powerfully influences health, healing, and results.

Because beliefs → influence thoughts → influence behaviors → influence results.

There are lots of ways we can work on shifting our mindset, but the first step is always awareness—to notice our thoughts throughout the day.

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Need a Mindful Moment? Open Up.

⏰ Reminder ⏰

Here are 3 moments in your day you can pause and be mindful:

🥣 Mindful Eating

Turn off distractions so you can focus only on eating—the taste, texture, and experience of it all.

🚶 Mindful Walking

Focus your senses on your body and everything around you—from the pavement beneath your feet to the breeze on your skin.

🧘‍♀️ Mindful Body Scan

Pause at your desk in the office or take a moment to rest on the couch, close your eyes, and scan your body from your toes to the top of your head.

None of these things need to take any time out of your day, and the rewards are worth it:

✔️ Less Stress

✔️ Calmer Mood

✔️ More Focus

✔️ Better Energy

Not a Fan of Resolutions? Try This!

✨ What if instead of a resolution, this year you set an intention? ✨

Because even though there is value in setting specific goals and resolutions, there is also value in zooming out to bring clarity on what matters to you most. 

That’s the power of intentions. 

🌸 Setting an intention is more about connecting with your sense of purpose. Intentions direct your mind to make choices that align with your values.

For example, you might set an intention to focus on authentic connection. Or an intention to focus on self-compassion. Then when presented with an opportunity, you can ask yourself whether it aligns with those intentions. 

Here are some questions to help you set your intentions:

🔹 What about your life brings you the most joy?

🔹 What do you want to cultivate more of in your life?

🔹 What words or phrases capture the essence of your answers above?

Once you set an intention, you can meditate on those words or set reminders in places you see every day (like a sticky note on your bedside stand). 

Then let it go and return to those words whenever you face new opportunities, challenges, or decisions. 

What do you think? 

Are you more a fan of resolutions or intentions? Let me know in the comments! ⤵️

How to CRUSH Your Next Holiday

Most people think a holiday is all about pigging out and drinking alcohol. 

But what if you think of your next holiday as an entire day you get to do nothing but ENJOY yourself. 

Even if you don’t have complete control over the daily schedule (maybe you’ll be visiting family or hosting dinner), you don’t have any responsibilities of a regular day. 

Here’s a cheat sheet for how to CRUSH your next holiday and feel happier and healthier at the end of the day:

📋 Do some prep work (especially chopping veggies!)

👟 Start with exercise (so you can relax and be present after that!)

💦 Drink plenty of water (it will keep your energy up)

🍂 Take the kids or relatives outside (everyone is happier with fresh air)

🧩 Play games or puzzles (doesn’t matter your age)

☯️ Reflect at the end of the day (treat yourself with journaling or a bath)

Holidays can feel like some of the most stressful times, but when we shift our perspective to be grateful for the moment we have, we come out happier on the other side. 

What are your thoughts? Do any of the ideas here resonate with you? Drop me a comment below ⤵️