
The gut is the physical foundation of health.  Gratitude is the spiritual and emotional foundation of health. And just like identifying, restoring, and awesomeizing the gut changes the brain; activation, habituating and awesomizing gratitude affects the entire body.

Gratitude decreases pain, increases happiness, reduces depression, improves sleep, reduces aggression, and increases mental resistance, decreases the effects of stress, increases life span, decreases the risk of heart disease, increased alertness and attentiveness, and increased energy.  You can increase your Va-Va-Voom with something as simple as writing down 5 things you are grateful for every evening. Basically, if you are not feeling awesome, add gratitude to your treatment plan.

Gratitude in a WINK

  • Being grateful for the things in your life- awesome and not so awesome- increases the Va-Va-Voom of your mind, body, and spirit.
  • Write down 5 things you are grateful for every evening. 

I am grateful every day that I work with an awesome team because we are so much more powerful together that any of us would be alone.  I am grateful that I get to use my crazy, biochemistry loving, big picture seeing brain to help women rediscover their awesome.  I am grateful that I have had so many adventures and there are so many more adventures waiting for me.  I am grateful that I have many people who I love and enjoy, and that there are many people who love and enjoy me.

I am also grateful for my struggle with weight and energy, because they drove me to discover the Vicious Tired, Fat, Feel Like Crap Cycle. It also keeps driving me to advance my understanding of the cycle so we have the best solutions to offer women who are stuck.

Finally, I am grateful for all of you who are reading this.  Thank you for being part of the birth of W.I.N.K. and the Cycle Busting Programs.  We can’t wait to see you in your full Va-Va-Voom awesomeness.   Thank you for letting us be part of your journey.

-Dr. Brenna Murphy

Did You Know That Not All B12 Is Created Equally?

Cyanocobalamin is the cheapest and most common form available and the most widely used by businesses offering B12 injections. This form of B12 cannot be absorbed and converted to a usable form of B-12 by many people due to the fact that it is created from cyanide, a substance that is highly toxic to humans.

Here at Elements, we use Methylcobalamin, the most bioavailable B-12 on the market. What makes this form so effective is that it is your body’s preferred method of B-12 supplementation; this potent form of cobalamin is easily absorbed and immediately starts working once it hits your bloodstream. Studies have shown that methylcobalamin raises levels of B-12 faster than any other available form and stays in the blood stream the longest, providing a consistent level in your system. This B vitamin, as well as the other B vitamins, are essential for optimum metabolic function and overall health and wellness.
Check out the many injections and IV infusions offered here at Elements.

-Jennifer Chancey

5 Things To Do As Soon As You Get A Cold

OK, you are starting to feel off- scratchy throat, stuffy nose, lower energy. You have 2 choices- SUPRESS all those symptoms and keep chugging along, OR SUPERPOWER your body to kick this cold out of existence. Now if option 1 sounds good you probably aren’t reading this. Since you are still with me, here are 5 things you can do to SUPERPOWER your immune army:


2. LEAN INTO THE FEVER. Bacteria and viruses are wimpy, simple, easy to kill beings. 1 degree temperature change- dead. Slightly lower pH- dead. So, one of the worst things you can do is take a Tylenol and quench the purifying fire. Instead you want to stoke that blaze. Here’s how:
Take a super-hot bath or shower- as hot as you can stand it without scalding yourself. Get nice and hot.
Once you get out, dress in your warmest PJs or sweats. Put on some thick socks. Grab a comfy sweater. Layer it on.
Get under the covers. Park yourself in bed or on the sofa under a nice snuggly blanket.
Initiate a Netflix marathon. (This is the perfect time to catch up with brainless TV.)

3. GET SOME REST! Go home. Get into bed. Stay there.
Your amazing immune system can’t fight off the allergies or bacteria or viruses if you are also trying to keep up with your job duties. Your body ability to heal is AMAZING. Get out if it’s way.

4. SATURATE WITH VITAMIN C! Vitamin C, taken at the first sign of a cold, can significantly shorten its duration. So take it early. Take it often.
Aim for 1000 mg every 2 hours during your rest phase. We like the Trace Mineral Research’s POWER PAKs, but you can also use Emerge-C or a Vitamin C tablet. Your digestive tract will tell you if you hit your saturation point. (Cut back your dose if you have loose stool.)
An even better option is to superpower your cold-killing white blood cells with vitamin C delivered directly to your blood stream. Call as soon as you are feeling sick, and we will get you in for our Mini-Immune IV.

5. GET THE GUNK OUT! For viruses and bacteria, phlegm is fun. The longer you stay congested, the crazier the party.
Rinse it out- Use a neti pot, or easier, a collapsible NasoPure nasal rinse bottle. Rinse with buffered saline at least twice a day for optimal gunk removal. If you are feeling brave, add A DROP of oregano oil. The reward is huge.
Steam in out- Close the doors. Close the windows, Take a hot steamy bath or shower. Or even just breath in the steam as you drink your hot cup of tea.
Blow it out- Don’t suck it back in!!!! That’s why they invented disposable tissues.

P.S. If you like the people around you , even just a little bit, wash your hands a lot so they don’t get sick too. Soap is the enemy of all bugs, big and small.

-Courtney Cox-Gibson, RN