
A Lesser Known Benefit of Deep Breathing…

🫁 Why we say “take a cleansing breath” ➡️

It’s not just cleansing for the mind but actually detoxifying for the body to breathe deeply.

With every deep breath, oxygen floods our cells and tissues—allowing them to function at a more optimal level and to process and metabolize waste better.

Our lungs are one of our main organs of detoxification, along with the liver, gut, kidneys, lymphatics, and skin.

So consider this your reminder…

To take a deep breath.

Berries May Reduce Mortality (NEW Study!)

🫐🍓I’ve always loved berries, but this new research study cinches it!

Looking at a national sample of adults in the US, the research compared berry consumption with mortality rates over 8 years.

The results?

👉 People who were considered “berry consumers” had a 21% lower risk of all-cause mortality than “non-berry consumers.”

(PMID: 38184200)

Also, more specifically:

Cranberries supported ❤️ heart & metabolic health

Blueberries supported 🫁 respiratory health

Berries are a rich source of antioxidants and also contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals that support health.

Pro tip:

Frozen berries are equally nutritious and an excellent option when fresh berries aren’t in season!

Like this post ❤️and be sure to tap FOLLOW if you want to see more about natural and root-cause ways to optimize your health.


Zhang L, Muscat JE, Chinchilli VM, Kris-Etherton PM, Al-Shaar L, Richie JP. Consumption of Berries and Flavonoids in Relation to Mortality in NHANES, 1999-2014. J Nutr. Published online January 5, 2024. [link]

12 Indoor Exercises for Winter

12 Indoor Exercises to Avoid the Cold 🥶

Movement is essential to health! If you don’t want to brave the cold and don’t have a gym membership, here are some things that anybody can do in their own living room:

🔹 Jump Rope

🔹 Push-Ups

🔹 Jumping Jacks

🔹 Squats

🔹 Run in Place

🔹 Free Weights

🔹 Skip

🔹 Dance

🔹 Stretch

🔹 Shake

🔹 Yoga

🔹 Push-Ups

Health is not hard. You just have to commit.

You've got this! 🙌

How to Eat in Season This Month!

What’s in season?

There are lots of benefits to eating seasonal produce—the most important being that it tastes better!

It’s easy to eat local produce through the summer months, but the winter gets a bit trickier. Here are some produce options that are in season in parts of the US and Canada in February & March:

▪️Broccoli: Roast it in the air-fryer with some olive oil and salt or stir-fry with garlic, ginger, and red pepper flakes!

▪️Brussels sprouts: So good when roasted in the oven and topped with a sauce of peanut butter, tamari, and hot sauce 🌶️

▪️Cauliflower: There are so many things you can do with this veg, from simply roasting and topping with parmesan cheese to making gluten-free breadsticks 🥖

▪️Kale: People like to slam kale, but it’s so versatile that you can make it into chips, stir-fry, or even smoothies.

Another bonus of this seasonal produce is that they are all cruciferous vegetables, which means they support healthy detoxification and even hormone health 👏

Other produce in season includes citrus fruits, squash, sweet potatoes, fennel, radishes, and potatoes 🥔

Growth vs. Fixed: Where Do You Land?

Here’s the difference: 

🔹 People with a growth mindset believe they can change. They embrace challenges. They see failure as an opportunity to learn. 

🔹 People with a fixed mindset believe they are innately good at something or not. Smart or not. They may be hesitant to try new things for fear of failure. 

Truth is—like with all mindsets—that we all fall somewhere along the continuum. 

But when it comes to health, I see many benefits of embracing a growth mindset ↗️

When we believe our bodies and brains can change, we are more motivated to better ourselves, whether that’s through what we eat, how we move, or choices we make. 

These mindsets were first researched and described by Stanford psychologist, Carol Dweck. 

She found that mindset translates to performance. 

Mindset work is subtle and may seem less powerful than something like changing your diet. 

But our mindset can influence the outcome of everything else we do. 

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