
Multivitamins: 3 Questions to Ask

What to look for in a good multivitamin ⤵️

Taking a multivitamin can fill in the gaps of your diet and make sure you don’t miss out on important vitamins and minerals over time. Even people who have healthy eating habits can optimize their nutrient intake with a multivitamin. But the question is:

How do you choose the best one?

When I’m evaluating the quality of a vitamin, I ask these 3 questions:

1️⃣ Is it age-appropriate?

Children need lower amounts of most vitamins and minerals than adults, teenage boys need more zinc to support hormones, menstruating people need more iron to replace lost blood, and older adults have a higher need for vitamins like B12. That’s why it’s helpful to choose a multivitamin formulated for the right age and stage.

2️⃣Are the nutrients bioavailable?

By “bioavailable,” I mean the nutrients are both easily absorbed and readily utilized by the body. For example, methylcobalamin is preferable to cyanocobalamin (these are both forms of vitamin B12) and magnesium glycinate is preferable to magnesium oxide.

3️⃣What are the “other” ingredients?

Some vitamins are loaded with artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, and binders. Jump to the “other ingredients” to make sure the product is actually going to help rather than harm your health.

When I’m working with my clients on their nutrition, I recommend professional-grade supplements available through our convenient online dispensary. Most healthcare providers are not educated in nutritional supplements, but it’s something we specialize in.